Scion is a marque of the American automobile manufacturer Toyota. Its product line and the scarcity of vehicles were very popular, and they were sold out quickly. Classic parts, such as the hood lift support, contribute to the success of Scion. The hood lift support is designed to close silently. It can hold the weight of the hood while working on the engine, but the hood lift support is easy to wear out.
Although Scion has lots of parts with impressive performance, the hood lift support still needs repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. The hood lift support parts should be replaced every 60,000 miles or every 5 years. The removal process for the Scion hood lift support is as follows. Open the hood, then have someone hold the hood open as you remove the old parts. The hood lift support is taken off by removing the clip and holding it in place on the hood hinge. The other half of the lift support is removed by pulling the ball off the stud. We offer Scion parts of great value. There are much more better and smarter Scion parts and devices online.