Modifications to the Audi 100 Quattro are extremely popular. Classic parts like the A/C accumulator contribute to the success of the Audi 100 Quattro. The A/C accumulator can be found in the middle of the evaporator and the compressor. Faulty A/C accumulator parts can lead to leaking fluid, poor cooling performance, and an awful smell.
Audi 100 Quattro stands out for its great parts. But car buyers need new A/C accumulator parts if they are worn or damaged. Their removal process is as follows. First, drain the A/C refrigerant from the system. Second, remove the lines that are connected to the accumulator. Third, remove the mounting hardware holding the accumulator in the bracket. Then pull the A/C accumulator away from the vehicle. Signs of a bad A/C accumulator include a refrigerant leak, a bad smell when the A/C is turned on, and poor cooling performance. Welcome to a large selection of related Audi 100 Quattro parts available online. We offer great parts for Audi 100 Quattro 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.