AMC acquired the iconic Jeep light truck and SUV brands in the 1970s to keep competitive. AMC boasts its great parts, which can improve cars' performance further. AMC comes with a lot of great parts, such as the motors air injection pump. Modern cars are required to have certain emission standards, so manufacturers have to install additional components. One of the additional parts is the secondary air injector reactor. The air injector reactor is vital to American Motors because it can lower emissions by sending in the fresh air.
American Motors stands out for its great parts. However, consumers need a new American Motors air injection pump if these parts are worn or damaged. The American Motors air injection pump's function is to push air into the exhaust system after the manifold to help burn the unburned fuel. Signs of a bad American Motors air pump include rough idle, sluggish engine performance, and American Motors check engine light on. There are much better and smarter products and devices. We have nearly all types of auto parts in our catalog online to give you a better car both inside and out.