The Acura TLX debuted at the New York International Auto Show in 2014. The Acura TLX can provide passengers with a more comfortable and quieter ride. It has come with plenty of quality vehicles and parts, including the door latch assembly. The Acura TLX door latch assembly makes sure that the door is secure and keeps it from flying open when driving.
Acura TLX stands out for its great parts. But consumers need new door latch assembly parts if they are worn or damaged. The removal process of an Acura TLX door latch assembly is as follows: Disconnect the negative battery terminal, remove the exterior door handle by removing the screws holding it in place, remove the inner door handle bolts, and then remove the plastic covers as well as the window crank (or window switches). Next, you pry off the door panel, remove the screws holding the latch in place, and unhook the door wire and retainers. Symptoms of bad Acura TLX door latch assembly parts include the doors that will not close, the doors that will not open, and the doors needing to be slammed to latch correctly. From the body parts to the performance parts, a long catalog of advanced products is given here such as the door latch assembly. We offer great Acura TLX parts online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.