The Acura RDX is a 5-door luxury SUV model. The Acura RDX ranks near the top of the luxury compact SUV class. A lot of well-known automatic transmission extension housing seal parts have been built over the years. The Acura RDX transmission is equipped with various collections of seals as well as gaskets that keep the fluid inside, such as the automatic transmission extension housing seal parts. The automatic transmission extension housing seal parts are placed on the driveshaft and transmission output shaft.
Whereas, the worn parts need to be repaired or replaced for better performance. The automatic transmission extension housing seal parts keep the transmission fluid in the tail housing and avoid further leaks. The removal process of the automatic transmission extension housing seal parts is as follows. Raise and support the car. Then get rid of the Acura RDX driveshaft retaining bolts, and pull the driveshaft from the car. Next, locate the extension housing seal. In the end, use a seal puller to remove the old Acura RDX extension housing seal. We give you nice shipping standards. Buyers could reach our site and get great Acura RDX products every day online.