Known as Honda ILX internationally, the Acura ILX is based on the 9th generation Civic Sedan. Compared with its predecessor, the Civic, all its classic parts have undergone generational upgrades for better performance. During the development of Acura ILX, many popular parts have been built, such as Acura ILX cam gear parts. The cam gear parts assist in increasing your vehicle's torque and horsepower. It moves the time forward or back. The benefit of being able to adjust the camshaft gear is that you get to tweak the factory setting for more power and handling ability.
Although ILX has lots of parts, Acura ILX cam gear parts still need repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. The removal process of Acura ILX cam gear parts is as follows. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Remove the front accessories from the engine. And remove the front timing cover bolts. Then, remove the timing cover, the timing chain tensioner, and the bolt holding the cam gear parts in place. Signs of a failing ILX cam gear include metal in the engine oil and engine misfire. Signs also include loud noises coming from the front of the engine and engine backfires. We offer you a variety of parts at a reasonable price. There are lots of durable parts available online.