Acura was the first luxury brand by a Japanese car maker. Its product has become customers' favorite for its great parts. It provides great automatic transmission extension housing seal parts for car buyers. The transmission is equipped with various collections of seals as well as gaskets that keep the fluid inside, like the automatic transmission extension housing seal. In a rear-wheel drive car, there is an Acura automatic transmission extension housing seal that has the task of sealing the components and preventing fluid from leaking.
Acura offers great parts to you. But there will be several problems after Acura automatic transmission extension housing seal parts have been used for years. The Acura automatic transmission extension housing seal parts keep the transmission fluid in the tail housing and avoid further leaks. The removal process of Acura automatic transmission extension housing seal parts is as follows. Raise and support the vehicle. Remove the driveshaft retaining bolts. Pull the driveshaft from the vehicle. Locate the extension housing seal. And then use a seal puller to remove the old extension housing seal. We provide nice services to you. We offer great parts online.