Part Description: 2005 Buick Century Engine Exhaust Manifold
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Vehicle Fitment
2005 Buick Century | Custom, Limited, Special Edition | 6 Cyl 3.1 L GAS
FAQ for Exhaust Manifold Repair
Q: What is the recommended torque for the exhaust crossover pipe heat shield bolts?
The recommended torque is 10 Nm (89-inch lbs.).
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the recommended torque for the right exhaust manifold nuts?
The recommended torque is 16 Nm (12 ft. lbs.).
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the recommended torque for the right exhaust manifold lower heat shield bolts?
The recommended torque is 10 Nm (89-inch lbs).
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the recommended torque for the left exhaust manifold heat shield bolts?
The recommended torque is 10 Nm (89-inch lbs.).
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: How do you install the Exhaust Manifold-Left (3.1L)?
You need to install the left exhaust manifold gasket, the left exhaust manifold, the left exhaust manifold nuts, the left exhaust manifold heat shield, the left exhaust manifold heat shield bolts, the exhaust crossover pipe nuts to the left exhaust manifold, the exhaust crossover pipe heat shield, the exhaust crossover pipe heat shield bolts, the thermostat bypass pipe, the right engine mount strut bracket and the air cleaner intake duct, and then connect the negative battery cable.
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: How do you remove the Exhaust Manifold-Left (3.1L)?
You need to disconnect the negative battery cable, remove the air cleaner intake duct, the right engine mount strut bracket, the thermostat bypass pipe, the exhaust crossover pipe heat shield bolts, the exhaust crossover pipe heat shield, the exhaust crossover pipe nuts from the left exhaust manifold, the left exhaust manifold heat shield bolts, the left exhaust manifold heat shield, the left exhaust manifold nuts, the left exhaust manifold, and the left exhaust manifold gasket and clean and inspect the left exhaust manifold.
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the recommended torque for the exhaust crossover pipe nuts?
The recommended torque is 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
By Bob
GM Specialist
See more FAQs (2)
FAQ for Other Repair Info
Q: How do you install the Muffler?
You need to install the Muffler to the support, the exhaust hanger insulators to the muffler, the catalytic converter gasket, and the catalytic converter bolts, remove the support from the exhaust system and inspect the exhaust system for leaks and underbody contact.
Q: How do you remove the Exhaust Hanger?
You need to support the exhaust system and remove the Exhaust Pipe hanger from the exhaust pipe and the exhaust hanger bracket, the exhaust pipe hanger from the exhaust pipe and the exhaust hanger bracket and the exhaust pipe rear hangers from the muffler, and the rear exhaust hanger brackets.
Q: What is the recommended torque for the outboard rear bumper impact bar bolts?