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Shipment Issues

  • When will I receive a tracking number for the order I placed? When will the delivery of my order take place?
    Tracking details are emailed to you when your order ships out and is invoiced. You can also view the status of your order on the "Track Order" page to get your tracking details.

    Typically, your order will be delivered to your door within 1-3 business days once it is picked up by the shipping company. We work relentlessly to fulfill and ship your part(s) order quickly. You can check your tracking number to see the estimated delivery date time frame shown by the shipper's web page.
  • What happens if my tracking number does not update?
    Tracking numbers typically get updated in the early evening. It generally takes a few hours, but may take up to 48 hours for your tracking details to update. If any issues remain after that time frame, you can reach out to the shipping carrier. Sometimes, orders may be delivered to you without any transit reflected on the tracking number when you track your order.
  • How do I contact the shipping carrier for a delivery update?
    For more details, you can contact Customer Service via the telephone number indicated on your USPS/UPS/FedEx InfoNotice.

    UPS: 1-800-742-5877; and
    USPS: 1-800-275-8777; and
    FedEx: 1-800-463-3339; and
  • Why hasn't the shipping company delivered my order to me yet?
    We want your order to be delivered to your location fast. However, the priority of delivery within the shipping method you have selected is determined by your local shipping facility. You can get assisted by contacting the shipping facility who ships your package:

    USPS: 1-800-275-8777
    UPS: 1-800-742-5877
    FedEx: 1-800-463-3339
  • Why were my parts sent in different packages when they can fit and be sent out in one package to me?
    Our order processing department will attempt to send your order out with the least amount of packages. However, we may elect to package and send out your items in different boxes to lessen the risk of damage to the items during transportation. Items may also be packaged in different boxes based on their weight or dimensions to avoid added transportation fees.Split shipments may happen due to availability and warehouse locations. We may, at our discretion, ship most of your order with any delayed item shipping separately.
  • Can you split ship if there is a back order on my order and then ship the back ordered part to me at a later time?
    If an order contains multiple parts, the order may be shipped seperately. Split shipments may happen due to availability and warehouse locations. We may, at our discretion, ship most of your order with any delayed item shipping separately.