Volkswagen is the flagship brand of the Volkswagen Group. Volkswagen became the third-largest automaker around the world in 2008. During the development of the brand, many popular parts have been built such as the shock and strut mount. The shock and strut mount component serves two functions: to cover the strut from the car and move like a steering pivot.
Volkswagen provides a large selection of high-performance parts. But after a long time, the worn shock and strut mount parts might cause huge problems. The shock and strut mount parts are used to attach the strut to the vehicle and help eliminate any vibrations. The removal process for the shock and strut mount parts is as follows: Raise and support the vehicle, then remove the suspension/steering components, remove the shock/strut so you can access the mount on top, and remove the mounting hardware for the mount and pull off the strut. Welcome to a large selection of related Volkswagen parts available online. It is easy to buy needed Volkswagen parts at nearly wholesale prices such as the shock and strut mount.