Volkswagen is a German motor car manufacturer. For a long time, Volkswagen has had a market share of over 20 percent. Volkswagen provides great parts like the automatic transmission oil pump seal parts for car buyers. The automatic transmission oil pump seal must remain in good working order to keep the fluid circulating to the cooling lines and back to the transmission.
Volkswagen stands out for its great parts. However, consumers need new automatic transmission oil pump seal parts if they are worn or damaged. The removal process for the Volkswagen automatic transmission oil pump seal parts is as follows. First, disconnect the negative battery terminal. Then drain the transmission fluid. Next, remove the transmission cross member. And remove the bell housing bolts. After that, drop the transmission from the vehicle. Pull the stall converter off the transmission shaft. And locate the oil pump (at the front of the transmission behind the stall converter). Finally, remove the oil pump bolts, pull the pump off and remove the old automatic transmission oil pump seal using a blade. Signs of a bad Volkswagen automatic transmission oil pump seal include fluid leaks between the engine and transmission bell housing, trouble in engaging between the gears, gears that begin grinding, and slow acceleration. From the body parts to the performance parts, a long catalog of advanced Volkswagen products is given here. Get great Volkswagen parts online with just a few clicks.