Sterling is an American car brand founded in 1987. Sterling matters a lot in the automotive industry. Classic parts like the A/C system valve core contribute to the success of the brand. Sterling A/C system valve core can be found in the system's low and high side ports where the core is threaded.
Whereas, Sterling's worn A/C system valve core needs to be repaired or replaced for better performance. An A/C system valve core works in correlation to the Schrader valve to help lower the pressure of the refrigerant in the A/C system before it reaches any other A/C components. The removal process of the Sterling A/C system valve core is as follows: Open the hood, discharge the refrigerant in the system, locate Sterling's faulty core, then remove the cap, and finally use a remover to twist the valve core out of place. There are lots of great parts on our online website. We offer you a variety of auto parts and vehicles at a nice price.