Mini is a British company established in 1959. The autos and parts offered by Mini have been well received by the public throughout the years. The brand provides affordable and reliable parts like the lateral link for car buyers. The lateral link provides support for the rear axle and wheels and it maintains the wheel hub well balanced. A faulty lateral link can be the source of the steering and handling feeling unstable.
Mini is famous for lots of high-quality parts. However, the old lateral link parts might lead to poor functions and unpleasant driving experiences after years of usage. The lateral link is a suspension component that is used to limit the side-to-side movement of the vehicle's suspension. The removal process for the lateral link is as follows: raise and support the vehicle, loosen the lug nuts, remove the wheels, and then remove the lateral arm mounting nuts and bolts. It is easy to buy needed Mini parts at nearly wholesale prices online. Our website has premium Mini parts and devices.