Infiniti is the luxury car brand of Nissan. Infiniti has quickly become one of the most important automakers in the global luxury car market. The brand appeals to drivers with fine parts such as the catalytic converter. The catalytic converter has a honeycomb interior. Older cars have ceramic beads design. The design is to slow down the speed of the exhaust gases. When Infiniti catalytic converter parts were introduced, it was accompanied by a carburetor. It provided a rich ratio of air and fuel.
Infiniti stands out for its great parts. But car buyers need new catalytic converter parts if they are worn or damaged. Signs of a bad catalytic converter include poor engine performance, black exhaust smoke, a bad smell coming from the exhaust, and the check engine light on the dashboard. Here are the removal steps of the Infiniti catalytic converter parts. First, disconnect the upstream and downstream sensors. Second, remove the nuts from the flanges connecting them to the rest of the exhaust. Then remove old exhaust gaskets. Finally, disconnect exhaust hangers (if needed). We offer great parts and devices for Infiniti online. We are here for you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.