In May 2022, Hyundai started to enter the Southeast Asian market with electric cars. It has one of the largest car production bases in the world. Classic parts contribute to the success of Hyundai, such as the variable timing sprocket. It is a significant part of the car because it helps enhance engine horsepower and torque curves. A bad variable timing sprocket can cause a decline in engine performance.
Hyundai stands out for its great parts. But maintenance and upgrades for the Hyundai variable timing sprocket are required after a long time of usage. Here are the steps to remove it. First, disconnect the negative battery terminal, and drain the engine oil. Next, remove the front engine accessories and the front timing cover bolts, and pull the timing cover off the engine block. Then, locate the variable timing sprocket, remove the bolt that holds the sprocket in place, and remove the timing chain. Finally, pull the variable timing sprocket off the engine. Signs of a bad variable timing sprocket include higher oil consumption, rough idle, poor engine performance, and an engine that stalls. We offer you great, practical, and durable Hyundai parts here online. Choose from lots of Hyundai parts at varied prices.