Hyundai is a South Korean multinational automotive manufacturer. It has become the largest automobile manufacturer in South Korea. During the development of Hyundai, many popular parts like the mirror switch parts have been built. The part can be found on the driver-side door or the left side of the dashboard. A bad Hyundai mirror switch can stop you from adjusting the mirror to a certain side or it doesn't let you adjust it at all.
Hyundai offers reliable and practical parts to customers. But there will be several problems after its mirror switch parts have been used for a long time. A mirror switch is responsible for allowing the car occupant to control the mirror motor and move it to their desired preference. The removal process for a Hyundai mirror switch is as follows. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Use a trim panel removal tool to lift the plastic trim. Then pry off the mirror switch. And finally, remove any electrical connector connected to the back. There are lots of great parts available on our site. It is easy to buy needed Hyundai parts online at nearly wholesale prices.