Geo specializes in producing small cars and SUVs. It has built a high reputation in the luxury automobile industry. During the development of Geo, many popular parts, such as the idler pulley, have been built. There can be one or more idler pulleys along the timing chain and each can come in different sizes. A faulty idler pulley can cause overheating, stalling, and a decline in tension.
Geo offers reliable parts to customers. But there will be several problems after the idler pulley has been used for years. The removal process for an idler pulley is as follows. First, open the hood. Next, remove the engine drive belt. Then locate the idler pulley, and remove the mounting bolt for the idler pulley. Finally, remove the pulley from the engine. An idler pulley should be replaced every 50,000 to 100,000 miles. From the body parts to the performance parts, a long catalogue of advanced Geo parts is given online. There are much more better and smarter Geo parts and devices.