The fuel sending unit is a device that detects the amount of fuel left in the vehicle's tank. It receives the information and sends it to the fuel gauge. It's important to control the fuel level and make sure the vehicle has enough gas for your trip.
Fuel sending unit operationThe fuel-sending unit is usually attached to the fuel pump. In some instances, it can be a stand-alone unit but the two units are made from the same components. A float, metal rod, and a variable resistor are all key parts of the fuel sending unit.
The float in the fuel tank maneuvers up and down depending on the vehicle's fuel level. The metal rod moves along with the float causing the wiper in the variable resistor to move. The wiper sends an electric current to the fuel gauge and the information received from the current is displayed on the dashboard.
Common issues with a fuel-sending unitA faulty fuel-sending unit can cause the gas gauge to stick in any position and the fuel gauge reading will be random.