Ford was founded by Henry Ford and his workmates on June 16, 1903. Ford came with several successful automobiles and many quality parts in the past century. The brand provides affordable and reliable parts like the engine main bearing for car buyers. Many cars have a minimum of two engine main bearing parts at both ends of the crankshaft.
Although Ford has lots of auto parts with impressive performance, engine main bearing parts still need repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. The engine main bearing is responsible for allowing the crankshaft to rotate during normal engine operation. The removal process of an engine main bearing is as follows: Drain the coolant and engine oil, remove the intake manifold and cylinder heads, remove the oil pan and oil pump, then remove the main cap bolts and pull the caps off, next remove the crankshaft from the engine, and finally pull the main bearings off the engine block and the main caps. Customers could reach our site and get performance Ford parts every day. There are much better and smarter parts and devices for Ford online.