The door seal is just as important as any other part because it seals the gaps between the car door and the frame. It keeps wind, dirt, and water from accessing the vehicle's cabin.
Door seal functionThe door seals and weatherstrips assist in keeping moisture and wind from entering the vehicle. also, helping the doors fit correctly in the openings so they close firmly without any looseness. Even though the door seals or weatherstrips keep wind and moisture out, worn weatherstrips can cause noise and water to penetrate the interior.
There is a certain configuration of weatherstripping that can vary from other vehicles. Generally, there is a strip that goes around the outside of the door to fit the body opening to close the gap. Also, having a cross-section designed for the seal and comes with sealant or retainers.
Common issues with a faulty door sealA faulty door seal can lead to leaks in the vehicle as well as loud wind noises from outside.