The cooling fan resistor is a vital component that has the job of removing heat from the engine's coolant and the A/C refrigerant. The resistor achieves this by drawing air via the radiator and A/C condenser.
Cooling fan resistor functionThe cooling fan is controlled by the resistor, and it comes on in periods. When turning on the vehicle, the engine heats up quickly so the resistor comes in stages which helps cool the engine and allows it to run correctly. When the engine reaches a specific temperature, a switch alerts the resistor so that it can perform faster and suck in more air via the radiator. Some vehicles may have a second fan to help speed up the process and let more airflow for the cooling and A/C system.
Common problems with a faulty cooling fan resistorA faulty cooling fan resistor can lead to the cooling fan failing, an overheating vehicle, and poor airflow.