BMW is a successful automaker worldwide. As a high-end brand, BMW holds a high market share and popularity in the new car market. During the development of BMW, many popular parts, such as the hood lift support, have been built. The hood lift support can last up to about 50,000 miles before they are replaced.
BMW provides a large selection of high-performance parts. But after a long time, the worn hood lift support might cause huge problems. A hood lift support is used to support a hood so that it stays open at all times. The removal process for a hood lift support is as follows: Open the hood, then have someone hold the hood open as you remove the old hood lift supports. The hood lift supports are taken off by removing the clip and holding it in place on the hood hinge. The other half of the lift support is removed by pulling the ball off of the stud. Prompt services and great BMW parts are given to customers. There are plenty of inexpensive and quality BMW parts on our site. Customers can find a lot of BMW parts, including the hood lift support online.