The BMW 325i is one of the few cars that worship both comfort and sport. Its handling is much sleeker, and its response is more subtle and refined. Classic parts like the timing belt tensioner parts contribute to the success of the BMW 325i. The timing belt tensioner manages the amount of tension in the belt. And it is crucial because it applies a precise amount of pressure to the timing belt.
BMW 325i has many merits. But problems arise after the timing belt tensioner has been used for a long period. The removal process for a BMW 325i timing belt tensioner is as follows. Drain the oil from the engine to avoid spilling oil. Remove the drive belt from the engine accessories. Remove any accessories in the way (alternator, water pump, pulleys). Then remove the timing cover bolts and timing cover. And finally, remove the bolts holding the timing belt tensioner in place and pull away from the vehicle. A BMW 325i timing belt tensioner should be replaced every 75,000 to 100,000 miles. There are lots of durable parts available on our website. Choose from a vast selection of BMW 325i parts at varied prices. And we are online for you 24/7.