The BMW 318is has a maximum peak speed of 132 mph (213 km/h). The BMW 318is had all the charm of a basic sports car superb neutral handling, agile and fast. Classic parts like the timing chain guide contribute to its success. The timing chain guide assists the timing chain to connect the crankshaft as well as the camshaft. The timing chain guide operates as a path for the chain to follow.
BMW 318is has many merits, but problems arise after the timing chain guide has been used for a long period. The removal process for the part is as follows: Drain the engine oil, remove the front engine accessories, and remove the timing cover bolts, then pull the timing cover off, locate the timing chain guide and remove the bolt holding the timing chain guide in place. The BMW 318is timing chain guide should be replaced every 80,000 to 120,000 miles. It is easy to buy needed BMW 318is parts at nearly wholesale prices. From the body parts to the performance parts, a long catalog of advanced BMW 318is products is given here online.