The BMW 318i was introduced in 1989. As swift as the previous generations, but with far more luxury, improved handling, and added safety, the BMW 318i is a solid luxury sport sedan. Classic parts like the trunk lid latch contribute to the success of 318i. The trunk lid latch is used either mechanically or electronically, and it helps maintain your items inside the vehicle. The faulty trunk lid latch parts can lead to the trunk not shutting, locking, and the trunk getting stuck.
Although 318i has lots of great parts, the trunk lid latch parts still need repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. A trunk lid hatch is used to ensure the trunk lid closes and opens securely without causing damage to the vehicle's frame. The removal process for a trunk lid latch is as follows. Pop the trunk open First. Next, disconnect the negative battery terminal, and remove any plastic trim panels in the way of the trunk lid latch. Then disconnect any electrical connectors. Finally, remove the latch bolts, and remove the cotter pin that holds the trunk cable to the latch. We have reasonable 318i parts and affordable shipping criteria. It is easy to buy needed 318i parts at nearly wholesale prices online.