The BMW 1 Series M is a high-performance model of the E82 coupe range. It also received the "Richard Hammond's Car of the Year 2011" award in Top Gear magazine. Classic parts like the park position switch contribute to the success of the BMW 1 Series M. The park position switch is a modern vehicle because it keeps your car from starting unless the car is set to neutral or parked.
Although BMW 1 Series M has lots of parts with impressive performance, park position switch parts still need repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. A BMW 1 Series M park position switch is also known as a neutral safety switch or a transmission park position sensor. The removal process of the BMW 1 Series M park position switch is as follows. Disconnect the negative battery terminal, raise and support the vehicle, and remove the linkage for the transmission shifter. Then, locate the park position switch, remove any electrical connectors, and remove the mounting hardware for the park position switch. Our website has premium BMW 1 Series M parts and devices. Consumers can get great products and services online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.