A ball joint is part of the chassis which connects the steering knuckles and the control arms of the vehicle. A cars suspension lets the user know how many ball joint it possesses, like the short long arm suspensions which has two upper ball joints and lower joint. The ball joint allows for free rotation in two planes at the exact same time, and you also have the spherical rolling joint which consist of an outer and inner race.
Ball joint purposeModern vehicles rely on the joints to control the wheels and suspension of the vehicle. Nowadays they are mainly used in the front suspension, while other high performance cars have it on the rear. It is crucial to the vehicle and user as it allows for safe maneuvering and a smooth riding experience.
Spherical rolling jointThe spherical rolling joint is a ball joint that is distinct and the inner and outer race is separated by the ball bearings. It is contained by a round shaped retainer that rotates along with the inner and outer surface. And it has a specific design to where it allows the joint to have a range of motion that is enormous, also keeping the friction as low as possible to prevent any wear on the joints.
Common issues with a faulty ball jointA bad ball joint can lead to major problems like noises when turning the wheel, squeaking, and steering may become more difficult.