The Audi S8 is the upgraded and high-performance version of the Audi A8. Audi has manufactured plenty of quality vehicles and parts, such as the shock and strut boot parts. The shock and strut boot is a rubber part that protects the strut rod. A faulty S8 shock and strut boot can lead to poor ride quality, vulnerability to contaminants, and poor wheel alignment.
Although S8 has lots of auto parts with impressive performance, shock and strut boot parts still need repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. The removal process for the S8 shock and strut boot parts is as follows. Disconnect the negative battery terminal, raise and support the vehicle, and locate the shock and strut boot. Then, remove the top shock/strut mounting bolts, remove the lower shock/strut mounting bolts, and pull the shock/strut from its place. Finally, pull the shock/strut boot off the shock absorber. The S8 shock and strut boot parts should be replaced every time a shock absorber is replaced. Prompt services are given to you with great hospitality. There are lots of top-quality and durable S8 parts available online. We are here for you 24/7 online.