The Audi RS7 gets some updated style and an optional performance boost. Audi RS7 comes with plenty of quality parts, including the ignition coil. The ignition coil is made out of a laminated iron core which is then crowned by two coils made out of copper wire.
Audi RS7 stands out for its great parts. But consumers need new ignition coil parts if they are worn or damaged. They are used to transform the battery's voltage into volts that are required to produce the spark for the spark plugs in an engine. The coil voltage depends on how much power the vehicle's ignition coil requires (some require a minimum of 5,000 volts while others require high power voltage of up to 50,000 volts). The steps to remove an internally mounted Audi RS7 ignition coil parts are as follows: Disconnect the negative battery cable, then remove the distributor cap and rotor, remove any cover on the ignition coil, then disconnect the coil leads and remove the coil retaining screws. It is easy to buy needed parts for Audi RS7 at nearly wholesale prices. Welcome to a large selection of related Audi RS7 parts available online.