The Audi RS5 was introduced at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show. RS5 comes with plenty of quality parts, including the ignition coil parts. The ignition coil is made out of laminated iron core which is then crowned by two coils made out of copper wire. When contact breakers close, the RS5 ignition coil parts allow current from the battery to travel to the ignition coil. Once the current has reached its max, it will open up the breaker.
During the development of RS5, many popular parts have been built. Maintenance and upgrades for RS5 ignition coil parts are required after a long time of usage. An ignition coil is used to transform the battery's voltage into volts that are required to produce the spark for the spark plugs in an engine. The coil voltage all depends on how much power the vehicle's ignition coil requires (some require a minimum of 5,000 volts while others require high power voltage of up to 50,000 volts). The steps to remove an externally mounted coil are as follows: Disconnect the negative battery cable, next remove the coil wire lead, then remove the mounting bolts holding the coil in place. Welcome to a large selection of related RS5 ignition coil parts online. Customers could reach our site and get performance RS5 parts every day.