Audi RS4 was introduced in late 1999. Thermostat housing parts lead to the success of RS4. The thermostat housing parts often run into problems, such as the reading on the temperature gauge and the leaking. The RS4 thermostat housing is responsible for allowing restriction of the travel of coolant.
During the development of RS4, many popular parts have been built. While maintenance and upgrades for thermostat housing parts are required after long time of usage. The removal process of a RS4 thermostat housing is as follows. Disconnect the negative battery terminal. Locate the thermostat housing. Drain some of the engine's coolant. Then remove the upper radiator hose. Remove the thermostat housing mounting bolts. And finally pull the housing off the engine block. Signs of a bad thermostat housing include coolant leaks, the engine overheats, temperature gauge showing incorrect readings, and bad coolant flow. Get impressive services and upkeep here with great RS4 parts. Choose among a lot of auto parts at varied prices online.