The Audi Quattro made its debut at the 1980 Geneva Motor Show on 3 March. It has become the trademark of the German car maker and has received enormous positive feedback during its history. Classic parts like the V-Belt parts contribute to the success of Quattro. The V-Belt is essential and it functions like a transmission belt. Bad Quattro V-Belt parts can cause the belt to slip, a split belt cover, or damaged bushings.
Quattro provides a large selection of high-performance parts. But after a long time, the worn V-Belt might cause huge problems. A V-Belt is a type of engine drive belt that runs off the motions of the Quattro engine crankshaft and transfers the power to the accessories (alternator, power steering pump). Signs of bad Quattro V-Belt parts include squealing while driving, loss of power to the alternator, loss of power to the power steering pump, cracked belt, and drained battery. Buyers could reach our site and get performance products online every day. We have nearly all types of auto parts in our catalog to give you a better vehicle both inside and out.