The Audi Q7 is a mid-size luxury crossover SUV produced by Audi in 2008. During the development of Q7, many popular parts have been built, such as the brake caliper. A brake caliper is like a clamp that sits on the rotors of the wheel, and it holds the brake pads and pistons.
Q7 offers reliable parts to customers. But there will be several problems after Q7 brake caliper parts have been used for years. Here are the steps to replacing the brake caliper. Firstly remove the wheel to the designated side you are working on. Next, disconnect the brake hose and make sure to plug it off to avoid further brake fluid loss. Then remove the caliper guide pins on the caliper bracket and the caliper unit. The installation of the brake caliper is the reverse of the removal. Make sure to use all new sealing washers and torque all bolts to the required torque. Choose among a vast selection of Q7 parts at varied prices online. We offer Q7 parts of great value.