The Audi Q5's overall length is 182.3 inches, the width is 74 inches and the height is 65 inches. It offers riders a remarkable and exciting driving experience. During the development of Audi, many popular Q5 HID bulb ballasts have been built. The Audi Q5 HID bulb ballast is a vital part of the headlight system, its primary function is to manage the intensity of the car's headlight. The ballast parts are similar to a transformer in that they convert the battery voltage into a precise amount of power that your headlights need to stay on.
Q5 stands out for its great parts. However, consumers need new HID bulb ballasts if these parts are worn or damaged. Please note that if you are adding HID bulbs to your vehicle, you must also run an Audi Q5 HID bulb ballast so you prevent any damage to the charging system or vehicle wiring. Bad Audi HID bulb ballast parts may see that the HID bulb becomes dim, the bulb flickers, the bulb changes color, and the bulb burns out faster. It is easy to buy needed Q5 parts at nearly wholesale prices. Welcomes to a large selection of related Audi HID bulb ballast parts available online.