The Audi Coupe Quattro was put into mass production from 1984 to 1988. With its competence and efforts, Coupe Quattro made it take up a place in the coupe industry. It comes with a lot of quality vehicles and parts, including the brake caliper bracket. When the user applies the brakes, the brake caliper bracket forces the brake pad to come into contact with the brake rotor. And the mixture of a sideways squeezing force regularly moves the brake pads until it has come to a halt. A brake caliper bracket is installed to the steering knuckle and plays the part of both a stopping surface and a mounting device.
Although Coupe Quattro has lots of great parts, Coupe Quattro brake caliper bracket parts still need repair and maintenance after a long time of usage. The brake caliper bracket is used to support the brake pads on both sides of the rotor. The removal process of the brake caliper bracket parts is as follows: Raise and support the vehicle, remove the 2 mounting bolts, and then remove the slide pins attached to the bracket. We offer Coupe Quattro parts of great value. Customers could get performance Coupe Quattro parts online every day.