The Audi A8 is a premium sedan manufactured and marketed by German automaker Audi since 1994. Classic parts like the ABS reluctor ring contribute to the success of the A8 Quattro. The ABS reluctor ring is used to produce the signal back to the ABS control module.
During the development of the A8 Quattro, many popular parts were built. While maintenance and upgrades for ABS reluctor ring parts are required after a long time of usage. An ABS reluctor ring is a ring that is used to transmit signals from the vehicle's wheel speed sensor to the ABS control module. The removal process for A8 Quattro ABS reluctor ring parts is as follows. Raise and support the vehicle, remove the lug nuts, remove the wheels, then remove the axle, remove the ABS sensor, and finally remove the reluctor ring using a hammer and a screwdriver. There are much more better and smarter products and devices for A8 Quattro online. A8 Quattro will remain classic and prevailing for its useful parts.