The first-generation Audi A4 made its debut in October 1994. It comes with plenty of quality vehicles and parts, including the parking brake cable parts. They are linked to the parking brakes that are equipped with the system. The Audi A4 parking brake cable parts give the user an emergency braking option for consumer safety.
Whereas, the worn parking brake cable parts need to be repaired or replaced for better A4 performance. The Audi A4 parking brake cable parts should be replaced every 145,000 miles. The removal process for the Audi A4 parking brake cable parts is as follows: Raise and support the vehicle. Then locate the parking brake cable parts and release them from the inside of the vehicle. Next, remove the Audi A4 parking brake cable parts from the control side behind the dust brake shield by removing the clip holding it onto the bracket. Finally, disconnect the cable from the lever side of the system. We are online for you 24/7. Our website has premium Audi A4 products and devices.