The Audi A4 was initially introduced as a four-door sedan. The Audi A4 provides affordable and reliable OEM parts like ignition coils for car buyers. The OEM ignition coil can be placed on top of the spark plug. It is known as direct ignition. The Audi A4 single coil helps two spark plugs function properly.
The Audi A4 offers reliability and practicality to customers. But there will be several problems after ignition coil parts have been used for years. The Audi A4 parts are used to transform the battery's voltage into volts. The volt parts are required to produce the spark for the plugs in an engine. The coil voltage all depends on how much power the part requires. Some require a minimum of 5,000 volts while others require high power voltage of up to 50,000 volts. The steps to removing an internally mounted coil are as follows: Disconnect the negative battery cable, then remove the distributor cap and rotor, remove any cover on the parts, then disconnect the coil leads and remove the coil retaining screws. Welcomes to a large selection of related Audi A4 ignition coil OEM parts available online. We provide considerate and nice services to consumers. And high-quality Audi A4 parts are offered.