The Audi A4 was initially introduced as a four-door saloon/sedan. It appeals to drivers with high-quality A4 A/C clutch relays. The Audi A/C clutch relay parts act like switches. And they are vital parts of the compressor and the clutch. They can control the flow of power supply to these sections.
A4 stands out for great parts. However, consumers need new A/C clutch relays if these Audi parts are worn or damaged. An Audi A/C clutch relay can be replaced as follows. Open the hood. Disconnect the negative battery terminal and locate the fuse box. Then find the A4 A/C clutch relay (the exact location can be found in the vehicle manual). And finally, pull up on the Audi A/C clutch relay to remove it from its pins. Signs of bad A4 A/C clutch relay include no click from the relay when activated and the A/C that blows hot air instead of cold air or does not cool consistently. We offer A4 parts of great value, practicality, and durability. We provide considerate and nice Audi parts and services to consumers online.