The Acura RSX is the fourth and last generation of Honda's Integra compact sports sedan. The Acura RSX is a versatile model in many ways while being both pleasing to the eye and sporty in appearance. RSX comes with plenty of quality vehicles and parts, including cam gear. By advancing and retarding the intake and exhaust timing, you can adjust the cam gear's overlap and its power and torque. A bad cam gear can lead to uncommon noises, engine misfires, and the vehicle may not start.
RSX offers reliable parts to customers. But there will be several problems after cam gear parts have been used for years. The removal process of the cam gear parts is as follows: Disconnect the negative battery terminal, remove the front accessories from the engine, and remove the front timing cover bolts, then remove the timing cover, the timing chain tensioner, and the bolt holding the cam gear in place. Signs of a failing cam gear include metal in the engine oil, engine misfire, loud noises coming from the front of the engine and engine backfires. There are much more better and smarter RSX parts and devices online. We offer RSX parts of great value.