FAQ for Weather Strip Repair
Q: What is the proper way to install the weatherstrip on the side door?
Position the new weather stripping into the pinch weld flanges. It is recommended to start from the center and move outward. After installing the weatherstrip you can reinstall the garnish molding, carpet retainers, center pillar panel, and lower trim panel.
By OmarGM Specialist
11/11/2021 Q: What is the proper way to install the outer hood seal?
Make sure the surface is properly clean. Remove the backing on the seal and press firmly into the side hood until the adhesive has fully adhered.
By BobGM Specialist
10/11/2021 Q: What is needed to replace the weatherstrip on the lower portion of the door?
Atrim release tool is needed to release the retainers holding in the rear rocker assembly.
By OmarGM Specialist
09/11/2021 Q: How many retainers need to be removed?
There are approximately 14 retainers horizontally on the rocker molding that need to be removed to pop it out so the weatherstrip can be replaced.
By BobGM Specialist
08/11/2021 Q: What is the proper way to remove the lower weather strip?
You will need to open both doors on the side of the vehicle where the weather strip is going to be replaced. A trim release tool is recommended to pry on the lower rocker molding so that it can release the retainers inside the molding so no retainers are broken.
By BobGM Specialist
08/11/2021 Q: What is the proper way to remove the outer hood seal?
You will need to pull the rear side hood seal and remove it away from the vehicle. Once it is removed, you will need to clean up any leftover adhesive from the flange and hood hinge.
By OmarGM Specialist
08/11/2021 Q: What is the proper way to remove the weatherstrip on the side door?
You will need to remove the carpet retainers, the windshield garnish molding, the center pillar trim panel, and the lower trim panel. Once the panels are removed, the weather stripping can be pulled off the pinch weld flange.
By BobGM Specialist
08/11/2021 See more FAQs (2)