Notes: For warranty purposes it is recommended to always install a filter and to use suggested OE Fluid and flush the system;without Aftermarket Filtration Improvement;In-Line filter available;It's req'd that a Vac bleed be performed in order to get air completely out of sys. Please refer to attached Tech Bulletin from GM. Failure to Vac bleed sys. will void Warranty. Do not return pump if proper bleeding of sys. has not been performed; Supplied w/Reservoir
Aftermarket Filtration: Without
Attribute: With Reservoir
Hose Port: O-Ring
Housing Material: Cast Iron
Import or Domestic: Domestic
Mounting Hardware: Without
Power Steering Reservoir Cap: Without
Pulley: Without
Pulley Attachment Type: Press-on
Pump Inlet Attachment Type: Hose Barb
Pump Outlet Attachment Type: Threaded
Thread Size: M16 x 1.5
Part Description: 2011 Chevrolet Impala Remanufactured Power Steering Pump w/Reservoir