You should first place drain pans under the vehicle and remove the power steering fluid. Then, you should install the engine support fixture, raise and support the vehicle, and remove the front tire and wheel assemblies, the radiator air lower deflector, the rear transmission mount, and the steering gear fasteners. After that, you should disconnect the lower electronic suspension front vertical accelerometer link and remove the bolts from the power steering gear outlet hose bracket near the steering gear, the right steering gear boot on the right front corner of the frame. Then, you should loosen the front frame-to-body bolts, remove the reinforcement bolts and the rear frame-to-body bolts, lower the rear of the frame to access the hose on the steering gear and compress the hose clamp and disconnect the power steering gear outlet hoses from the power steering fluid cooler inlet hose, from the steering gear and the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist