Q: What is the removal procedure for the cigar lighter receptacle or 12-volt accessory power receptacle?
The procedure is to remove the auxiliary power outlet fuse from the fuse block, remove the receptacle, remove the plastic latches in the 3 mm (0.11 in) square windows, and then remove the socket.
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: How many nuts does the tire inflator bracket have?
The tire inflator bracket has 3 nuts.
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the recommended torque for the nuts?
The recommended torque is 9 Nm (80 LB in).
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What is the proper way to install the cigar lighter receptacle or 12-volt accessory power receptacle?
The proper way is to route the connector through the retainer, install the retainer by pressing into place fully seated, connect the electrical connector to the receptacle, install the accessory power receptacle by pressing into place until fully seated, and then install the accessory power receptacle fuse.
By Bob
GM Specialist
Q: What should be done before replacing the accessory AC and DC power control module?
You should remove the left side rear quarter trim panel.
By Bob
GM Specialist
FAQ for Other Repair Info
Q: What is the proper way to install the starter?
The proper way is to install the Starter through the wheel well opening, install the starter solenoid cable to the starter, install the starter solenoid cable nut, install the starter bolts, and then install the right front wheel and tire.
Q: What should be done before replacing the body control module?
You should remove the knee bolster before replacing the Body Control Module.
Q: How many screws does the sunroof motor/actuator have?