FAQ for Power Steering Hose Repair
Q: What is the removal procedure for the power steering cooler pipe/hose (GT5)?
The procedure is to install a drain pan under the vehicle, disconnect the power steering cooler hose from the power steering pump, disconnect the power steering cooler hose from the power steering gear, cap the power steering pipes and cooler ends, remove the power steering cooler mounting bolts and remove the power steering cooler from the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the removal procedure for the power steering fluid reservoir outlet hose?
The procedure is to siphon the power steering fluid from the reservoir, disconnect the power steering reservoir outlet hose from the power steering pump and the power steering gear remote reservoir and remove the power steering reservoir outlet hose from the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the removal procedure for the power steering fluid reservoir inlet hose?
The procedure is to install a drain pan under the vehicle, siphon the fluid from the reservoir, remove the reservoir inlet hose from the power brake booster, remove the reservoir inlet hose from the reservoir and remove the reservoir inlet hose from the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What should you do when disconnecting any power steering gear inlet or outlet hoses?
You should plug or cap all openings of components.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: How do you install the power steering fluid reservoir outlet hose?
You can install the power steering reservoir outlet hose to the vehicle, install the power steering reservoir outlet hose to the power steering pump, install the power steering reservoir outlet hose to the power steering gear remote reservoir and bleed the power steering system.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: How do you install the power steering cooler pipe/hose (GT4)?
You can install the power steering cooler to the vehicle, install the power steering cooler mounting bolts, connect the power steering cooler hose to the power steering pump, lower the vehicle, bleed the power steering system and remove the drain pan from under the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the removal procedure for the power steering cooler pipe/hose (GT4)?
The procedure is to install a drain pan under the vehicle, raise and support the vehicle, disconnect the power steering cooler hose from the power steering pump, disconnect the power steering cooler hose from the power steering gear, cap the power steering cooler ends, remove the power steering cooler mounting bolts and remove the power steering cooler from the vehicle.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: What is the recommended torque when installing the power steering cooler mounting nuts?
You can tighten it to 28 Nm (21 lb-ft).
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 Q: How do you install the power steering fluid reservoir inlet hose?
You can route the hose in the same position the hose occupied, install the reservoir inlet hose to the reservoir, install the reservoir inlet hose to the power brake booster, bleed the power steering system, and remove the drain pan.
By BobGM Specialist
02/11/2022 See more FAQs (4)