First, you need to place the half-shaft in a vise, place protective covers over the vise jaws, use a hand grinder to cut through the swage rings, compress the seal on the half-shaft and away from the constant velocity (CV) joint outer race and wipe all grease away from the face of the
CV Joint. Then, please find the half-shaft retaining snap ring, which is located in the inner race, spread the snap ring ears apart, pull the CV joint from the half-shaft, discard the old seal, place a brass drift against the cage, tap gently on the brass drift to tilt the cage, remove the first ball when the cage tilts. You need to repeat the previous step to remove all of the balls. Finally, you should pivot the cage and the inner race 90 degrees to the centerline of the outer race and align the cage windows with the lands of the outer race, lift out the cage and the inner race, remove the inner race from the cage by rotating the inner race upward, degrease all of the CV joint parts, check the outer CV joint assembly for unusual wear, cracks, or other damage, and clean the half-shaft bar.