FAQ for Brake Master Cylinder Repair
Q: What must you do to ensure the brake modulator and high-pressure accumulator (HPA) pressure relief occurs?
You must turn off the ignition without pausing at ACCESSORY and without applying the brake pedal.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How many fittings does the brake pipe have?
The brake pipe has a total of 2 fittings.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What should you do before replacing the master cylinder (JH6, JH7)?
You should remove the brake fluid from the brake master cylinder reservoir and discard the brake fluid into an approved container.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What is the first step for bench bleeding the Master Cylinder (Two-mode Hybrid)?
The first step is to turn the ignition to OFF without pausing at ACCESSORY and remove the ignition key.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do you replace the Master Cylinder Reservoir (Two-mode Hybrid)?
You can turn the ignition to OFF, remove the ignition key, remove the brake fluid from the brake master cylinder reservoir, disconnect the brake fluid level sensor electrical connector, disconnect the brake master cylinder reservoir return hose quick connect and supply hose quick connect, remove the brake master cylinder reservoir pins, lift the master cylinder reservoir straight up, remove the reservoir from the master cylinder and remove the 3 master cylinder reservoir seals.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What should you do before replacing the Master Cylinder Reservoir (JD9, JF3, JF7)?
You should remove the brake fluid from the brake master cylinder reservoir and discard the brake fluid into an approved container.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: What is the filling procedure for the Master Cylinder Reservoir (Non-Hybrid)?
The procedure is to visually inspect the brake fluid level through the brake master cylinder reservoir, inspect the brake system for wear and possible brake fluid leaks and clean the outside of the reservoir on and around the reservoir cap before removing the cap and diaphragm.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do you replace the master cylinder (Two-Mode Hybrid)?
You can turn the ignition to OFF, remove the brake fluid, disconnect the brake fluid level sensor electrical connector, disconnect the brake master cylinder reservoir return hose quick connect and supply hose quick connect, disconnect the brake master cylinder primary brake pipe fitting, disconnect the brake master cylinder left supply brake pipe fitting and right supply brake pipe fitting, disconnect the brake master cylinder right front brake pipe fitting and left front brake pipe fitting, remove the brake master cylinder nuts and remove the brake master cylinder and the master cylinder seal.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How many nuts does the Brake Master Cylinder have?
The Brake Master Cylinder has a total of 2 nuts.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 Q: How do you bench bleed the Master Cylinder (Non-Hybrid)?
You can secure the mounting flange of the brake master cylinder in a bench vise, remove the master cylinder reservoir cap and diaphragm, install suitable fittings to the master cylinder ports, install transparent hoses to the fittings, fill the master cylinder reservoir to at least the half-way point, depress and release the primary piston, continue to depress and release the primary piston, remove the transparent hoses from the master cylinder reservoir, install the master cylinder reservoir cap and diaphragm, remove the fittings with the transparent hoses and remove the master cylinder from the vise.
By BobGM Specialist
01/11/2022 See more FAQs (20)