FAQ for Abs Control Module Repair
Q: How do you remove the BPMV with J92?
You can disconnect the EBCM, release the brake pipe retaining clip, can remove the brake pipes, the ABS module splash shield, and the BPMV.
By OmarGM Specialist
04/03/2022 Q: How do you remove the BPMV without JL4?
You can disconnect the EBCM, release the brake pipe retaining clip, and remove the brake pipes, and the BPMV.
By BobGM Specialist
04/03/2022 Q: What is the electronic brake control module installation procedure?
First, place the EBCM in the BPMV and install the EBCM screws. Tighten the screws in an X pattern to 3 Nm. Next, connect the electrical connector and bleed the BPMV. Next, install the ABS module splash shield/bolt and tighten the bolts to 20 Nm. After that install the ABS module splash shield retainers.
By BobGM Specialist
01/03/2022 Q: What is the installation procedure for the BPMV?
The procedure is to install the EBCM, the retaining nuts, and the rear brake pipe fittings.
By BobGM Specialist
01/03/2022 Q: What is the proper way to install the BPMV with J92?
The proper way is to install the EBCM, the collars, insulators, the BPMV, and the brake pipe fitting.
By OmarGM Specialist
01/03/2022 Q: What is the proper way to install the BPMV without JL4?
The proper way is to install the EBCM, the side grommet, the BPMV, and the brake pipe fitting.
By BobGM Specialist
28/02/2022 Q: What is the proper way to remove the BPMV?
The proper way is to disconnect the EBCM electrical connector, remove the brake pipes, and release the BPMV.
By OmarGM Specialist
28/02/2022 See more FAQs (2)