The procedure is to inspect the area of brake pipe to be repaired or replaced, release the brake pipe to be replaced from the retainers, measure the length of the pipe to be replaced, add to the measurement taken the appropriate additional length required for each flare to be created, cut the brake pipe squarely to the measured length, remove the sectioned brake pipe from the vehicle, select the appropriate size of brake pipe and tube nuts, strip the nylon coating from the brake pipe end to be flared, chamfer the inside and outside diameter of the pipe with the de-burring tool included in the J 45405, install the tube nuts on the brake pipe, loosen the die clamping screw of the J 45405, select the corresponding die set and install the die halves into the die cage, place the flat face of an unused die against the die halves in the clamping cage and hold firmly against the counterbored face of the dies, remove the unused die, ensure that the rear of both dies are seated firmly against the enclosed end of the die cage, hand tighten the clamping screw against the dies, select the appropriate forming mandrel and place into the forming ram, rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve clockwise to the closed position, rotate the body of the J 45405 until it bottoms against the die cage, operate the lever of the J 45405 until the forming mandrel bottoms against the clamping dies, rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve counterclockwise to the open position, insert the finishing cone into the forming ram, rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve clockwise to the closed position, rotate the body of the J 45405 until it bottoms against the die cage, operate the lever of the J 45405 until the finishing cone bottoms against the dies, rotate the hydraulic fluid control valve counterclockwise to the open position, loosen the die clamping screw and remove the dies and pipe, lightly tap the dies until the die halves separate if necessary, inspect the brake pipe flare for correct shape and diameter, install the pipe to the vehicle with the appropriate brake pipe unions, bleed the hydraulic brake system, and inspect the brake pipe flares for leaks by starting the engine and applying the brakes.
By BobGM Specialist