You need to place the vehicle on a level surface and apply the parking brake, apply and release the brake pedal several times with the engine off, remove the air cleaner assembly, disconnect the master cylinder fluid level sensor electrical connector, remove the vacuum
Brake Booster check valve and hose assembly and position aside and the vacuum brake booster vacuum sensor and position aside, release the front and rear brake pipes, remove the 2 nuts from the brake pressure modulator valve (BPMV) assembly, remove the 2 brake master cylinder nuts and the master cylinder assembly and position aside, remove the left side instrument panel insulator panel, the steering column opening filler, the brake pedal pushrod retaining clip, the brake pedal pushrod clevis pin and disconnect the pushrod from the brake pedal, the intermediate steering shaft, and the 4 vacuum brake booster nuts, pull the vacuum brake booster forward and tilt upward slightly, and then remove the vacuum brake booster.